little history.

When Mar arrived in the family, she became the centre of all our attraction. Mar is a happy child who loves her toys, plays with them, talks to them and even spoils them in the imaginary world that she has created around them.
The idea for this project essentially arose from watching her play. We wanted to provide her with some traditional accessories to her toys and dolls, but do so from a contemporary point of view, so avoiding an old-fashioned look, and making them so that she would feel comfortable with them as part of her house.
We work with high-quality, renewable, eco-friendly materials
We use birch wood from sustainable forests, water paints certified as being suitable for use with children, and cotton fabrics. So, with these materials, we create items that will appeal to both adults and children, as, in addition to being toys, they are designed to fit perfectly into the aesthetics of the home.
Here at Tré, it is the three Ts of Tradition, Timber and Toys that underpin our
The name also appealed to us as we think of ourselves as three separate personalities: Carmen, a painter and art restorer who has devoted much of her professional career to making things for children, from children’s paintings to restoring old toys; Antonio, a cabinet-maker with great experience of designing wooden furniture and various products for children; and the products themselves, which take on a life of their own as they leave the drawing board and are created in the workshop.
In short, we wish to contribute to sparking the imagination and to keeping children safe from harm so they may grow up gradually, safely and happily.